Bryce Evans
My name is Bryce Evans and I am seeking a position in animation or character and story development.
I believe that everyone has a basic good inside of them. From compassion and mercy to actual self sacrifice. Our core beings were made to do good. It is that small voice in the back of our minds that stops us every now and again to remind us that there are others in this world, and they too are facing problems: money, relationships, work. They are all just like us: weighed down with the weight of the world on their shoulders. And that is why I think I have been put here. To remind people about that basic good in all of us. Not through speeches or anything, but through reaching out to people and making them feel good about themselves and the world around them.
That is one of the reasons I love cartoons. They are capable of bringing out the child inside of us. The innocence that was long ago lost or forgotten or pushed back to “grow up.” That is what I hope to accomplish and what I think cartoons do accomplish: to let people forget their problems, leave them behind for just a few moments and share a laugh or even just a smile. Just something as simple as that can make the worst day feel ten times better.
That is the legacy I hope to leave in this world.