A short cartoon featuring two robots working in a factory.
Created in 3DS Max and Adobe Photoshop.
A short cartoon featuring a rabbit and his carrot garden.
A short cartoon featuring Green and Blue playing kick ball in a park.
A short cartoon featuring Green and a water fountain.
The first short cartoon from the PRIDE series. Sigmund takes a video camera around the neighborhood to introduce his friends and family.
Created in Microsoft Paint, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere.
A short cartoon from the PRIDE series. Sigmund tries to explain the Easter bunny to his son, Sigi.
A short cartoon from the PRIDE series. The second cartoon in the Easter bunny series. Sigmund tries to explain Groundhog Day to his son, Sigi.
A short cartoon from the PRIDE series. The final cartoon in the Easter bunny series. Sigmund tries to explain St. Patrick's Day to his son, Sigi.
Created in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere.
A short promotional cartoon from the PRIDE series. Sigmund and Pete share an elevator at work. Created as an animation test for the PRIDE characters.
Created in Microsoft Paint and Adobe Premiere.
A short promotional cartoon from the PRIDE series. Created as an animation test for the PRIDE characters and their environment.